art by Fern Fernandez
commission info
last updated jun 11 2023
status: open
Terms of Service
terms of service are subject to change.
all commission prices are subject to change when commissions are closed. i will not change the price of your commission after you’ve already paid or without informing you first.
prices are in USD.
i take payment via Paypal or Venmo. i do not take cash, check or e-transfer.
i do not start working until payment is received.
commissions can take anywhere from a week to a month to complete, but usually will not take any longer. please notify me if you want the work by a certain date/deadline when you submit your form.
prices are subject to change based on the complexity of the character design.
you may make minor edits to my work if it was made for you, but you may not claim it as your own. additionally, you are welcome to make prints or physical copies of your commission, as long as you don’t sell or redistribute them yourself.
if you purchase an original character design from me, you have ownership of the character. however, i still retain the rights to my artwork.
i will always send you at least one wip and ask for feedback before i finish your piece. if you want anything changed, please let me know at this stage.
if i missed something in your commission request or made an error, let me know! this can be fixed at no additional fee. requests made after the initial inquiry may be subject to added costs depending on complexity.
i do not, under any circumstances, allow my work to be used for or involved in NFTs or any other cryptocurrency-related uses.
i reserve the right to turn down a commission inquiry for any reason.
by purchasing a commission from me you accept these Terms of Service.